The film follows the story of a high schooler, played by Madden's younger brother Will, who purchases a sound recording device in search of better sounds in his life, and slowly becomes obsessed with it. He roams his small town an...
Mental Scars
HDDedra Lanucci has scammed a group of greedy investors to help her convert an old dilapidated junkyard into a profitable parking lot near a seedy liquor store and strip club. These investors are unaware that the junkyard sits on to...
Leaving Las Vegas
HDBen Sanderson, a Hollywood screenwriter who lost everything because of his alcoholism, arrives in Las Vegas to drink himself to death. There, he meets and forms an uneasy friendship and non-interference pact with prostitute Sera.
HDThe lives of three women are unexpectedly changed when they cross paths at a New York Family Court.
HDA derelict spaceship becomes self-aware and builds itself a mechanical body in order to feel alive.
A Young Man with High Potential
HDWhen the brilliant but sexually inexperienced computer science student PIET is turned down by bright and beautiful KLARA, he is deeply hurt. He takes a dose of a sleep medication, leading to a tumultuous night during which he loses h
HDA pair of whacked-out cartoon-like exterminator/hitmen kill the owner of a burglar-alarm company, and stalk the partner who hired them, his wife, and a nerd framed for the murder, who tells the story in flashback from the electric ch
HDAfter two L.A.P.D. detectives investigate a violent crime spree, they discover a new drug linked to a terrifying supernatural power.
The Heir Apparent: Largo Winch
HDAfter a powerful billionaire is murdered, his secret adoptive son must race to prove his legitimacy, find his father's killers, and stop them from taking over his financial empire.
Potato Potahto
HDA divorced couple who decide to share equal space in their ex-matrimonial home soon realize that the ingenious idea is easier said than done.
The Weather Man
HDA Chicago weather man, separated from his wife and children, debates whether professional and personal success are mutually exclusive.
Hopeless, Romantic
HDA man uses methods from romantic comedy movies to try and win back his ex-girlfriend.
The Device
HDTwo sisters discover a strange object of alien origin.